This blog is a special one.
We post a variety of blogs (instant noodle recipes, informative ones like types of noodles, fun and engaging ones, etc.) but this one here is different from what we have ever published. This blog is about you – our fans, our community and our KOKA family.
We love our fans and we put our community first above all else. And when that love and admiration is reciprocated, that’s when we know we are on the right track.
Whenever our team receives an email, a social post or a letter of appreciation from our fans, we become overjoyed, and a little proud of the fact that we were able to spread joy and happiness in different ways around the world.
So it only makes sense that we share that love with the rest of you. Below, we’ll share stories and anecdotes from people who have loved our products so much that they have gone out of their way to tell us how KOKA noodles has become an important part of their lives.
These are the people who are ‘Livin la vida KOKA’ (Living the KOKA life). Let’s see what they have to say.
Let’s Get Social
Everybody enjoys instant noodles in their own way. Our vast community of fans consists of kids, adults, men and women from all over the world.
One of them is Hani Obaid who reached out to us on Facebook explaining how KOKA noodles helped during COVID times
“Hello KOKA team I just wanted to thank you guys. I must have had instant noodles hundreds of times, but yours are in a class of their own, especially in covid times where one can’t eat out like before. All the best.”

We love that people reach out to us with their feedback, both good and bad. It’s comments like these that help us get up in the morning and strive to make better products for you guys.
A lot of people reach out to us on our social media handles to talk, give feedback and suggestions, or just shower us with their love. #KOKALove
Leah McDonald, who’s living her KOKA life in the United Kingdom, wrote to us on our Facebook handle:
“Hey! I love your noodles, especially the spicy stir fry. please don’t discontinue them.”
Comments like these are extremely humbling and provide useful insight for our product teams who are working their best to bring in the right noodles for our customers. More so, we have been recommending more and more people to send us a DM, telling us which flavour of KOKA noodles is their favorite. At the end of the day, it’ll help us know the likes, dislikes and the pulse of our community.
Here are testimonials from some of our global fans who have reached out to us via emails:
“I have been eating KOKA noodles since I was age 11. Not only have I eaten them but my brothers have as well. This trait has been passed down through generations. I hope one day my son or daughters will enjoy these beautiful noodles. I will be eating KOKA noodles like there is no tomorrow.” – David Docherty, United Kingdom
“Hi my name is Adam and I am obsessed with your noodle brand and noodles. I think they are
the best. My favourite noodles are the curry ones. But whenever I have them there is just
never enough curry powder on the packet I just love the flavour but I feel like it needs that a bit
more. Thank you so much if you read this.” ‐ Adam Patterson, Ireland

This masterpiece was handwritten and sent to us by Harry Dean, an 11-year-old KOKA fan from Ireland. This letter was so simple and yet so heartwarming that we had to for sure feature it as its own section in this blog.
Spread the #KOKALove, write to us to get featured on our blogs, social media and other communication.